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Hand Anatomy


Date : 10/01/2022

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Uploaded by : Shahab
Uploaded on : 10/01/2022
Subject : Medicine

Hand Anatomy Quiz

Question 1

Which tendon flexed the interphalangeal joint of the thumb?

A) Flexor digitorum profundus

B) Flexor digitorum superficialis

C) Opponens pollicis

D) Abductor pollicis longus

E) Flexor pollicis longus

Flexor pollicis longus flexes the interphalangeal joint of the thumb, and arises from the radius and interosseus membrane. The muscle is innervated by the median nerve.

>/p>Question 2

Which tendon flexes the distal interphalangeal joint of the ulnar 4 digits?

A) Flexor digitorum superficialis

B) Lumbricals

C) Dorsal interossei

D) Extensor digiti minimi

E) Flexor digitorum profundus

Flexor digitorum profundus flexes the distal interphalangeal joint of the ulnar four digits. It arises from the ulna and interosseus membrane and is innervated by both the median and ulnar nerves.

Question 3

Which group of muscles cause abduction of the fingers?

A) Palmar interossei

B) Dorsal interossei

C) Lumbricals

D) Flexor digitorum superficialis

E) thenar eminence

An easy way to remember the action of the interosseus muscles of the hand is PADDAB i.e. Palmar interossei adduction

Dorsal interossei abduction

The interossei are innervated by the ulnar nerve.

Question 4

Which artery forms the superficial palmar arch?

A) Radial artery

B) Medial artery

C) Brachial artery

D) Axillary artery

E) Ulnar artery

The ulnar artery continues to form the superficial palmar arch. The common digital arteries arises from the superficial palmar arch with contribution from the deep palmar arch. The common digital arteries then divide to form the proper digital arteries which run along the sides of the fingers. The thumb gains the majority of its blood supply from the deep palmar arch and is the exception.

Question 5

The radial artery enters the hand by passing between the two heads of which muscle?

A) First lumbrical

B) extensor digitorum

C) First dorsal interosseus

D) Thenar eminence

E) Palmar interossei

The radial artery forms the deep palmar arch in the hand, which is not as important as the superficial palmar arch. The deep palmar arch gives off the radialis indicis artery (supplying the radial side of the index finger), and the princeps pollicis artery, supplying the thumb.

Question 6

Which nerve supplies the muscles of the thenar eminence?

A) Ulnar nerve

B) Radial nerve

C) Axillary nerve

D) Dorsal sensory branch of the ulnar nerve

E) Recurrent motor branch of the median nerve

The median nerve gives of muscular branches to the majority of the forearm muscles. It also gives of the palmar cutaneous branch which supplies sensation to the proximal aspect of the palm. The median nerve also gives rise to the recurrent motor branch which supplies the muscles of the thenar eminence, with the exception of one muscle...

Question 7

Which is the only thenar muscle which is not supplied by the above nerve?

A) Opponens pollicis

B) Adductor pollicis

C) Abductor pollicis brevis

D) Flexor pollicis brevis

E) Abductor pollicis longus

Adductor pollicis adducts the thumb. It is the only thenar muscle not supplied by the median nerve, and is supplied by the deep branch of the ulnar nerve.

Question 8

What is the sensory distribution of the ulnar nerve in the hand?

A) Ulnar 1.5 fingers on the palmar surface of the hand

B) Ulnar 1.5 fingers on the dorsal surface of the hand

C) Radial 1.5 fingers on the palmar surface of the hand

D) Radial 1.5 fingers on the radial surface of the hand

E) Ulnar 1.5 fingers on the palmar and dorsal surface of the hand

The ulnar nerve supplies sensation to both the dorsal and volar aspect of the ulnar 1.5 digits. It does this via its dorsal and palmar sensory branches.

Question 9

Which nerve passes through the carpal tunnel?

A) Ulnar nerve

B) Median nerve

C) Radial nerve

D) Axillary nerve

E) Musculocutaneous nerve

The carpal tunnel is a fascial tunnel of the wrist and proximal palm. It encases 8 tendons of the FDP and FDS, and the median nerve. The flexor pollicis longus runs in its own tunnel, and the ulnar nerve and artery runs in Guyon s canal.

Question 10

Which specific artery supplies the thumb?

A) Princeps pollicis, branch of the superficial palmar arch

B) Princeps pollicis, branch of the deep palmar arch

C) 1st digital artery, branch of the superficial palmar arch

D) 2nd digital artery, branch of the deep palmar arch

E) Ulnar artery

The princeps pollicis artery arises from the deep palmar arch, and supplies the thumb. The other 4 digits are supplied mainly by the superficial palmar arch.

This resource was uploaded by: Shahab

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