Tutor HuntResources Child Development Resources

Emotional Intelligence In Children

Date : 26/08/2021

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Uploaded by : Aleksandra
Uploaded on : 26/08/2021
Subject : Child Development

As parents and educators, we are responsible to encourage our children to develop their literacy and mathematical skills which is related to academic development and intelligence. But we also can teach them to be emotionally intelligent. lt;/span>There are many studies throughout the years that have shown the importance of emotional intelligence.Children with high EQ perform better at tests.EQ skills help children to establish and develop deeper connections with othersChildren with high EQ are less likely to experience depression in adulthood lt;/span>A child who can express their emotions and healthily manages them is more likely to become a confident adult who can manage difficult situations with ease. lt;/span>How do we teach EQ? lt;/span>I personally always give examples to the pupils I teach. I would tell them about a situation I have been in and what my parents or teachers have told me. That kind of stories usually encourages the children to start sharing.Another way is to encourage them to realise what they are feeling and give a name to it.For example, when there is a new difficult material that has to be taught, children become reluctant and they might even start crying. Simply, stating the fact you know how difficult that would be to learn and they might feel frustrated with it, automatically calms them down and they know why the tears are coming out. At the same time, you as an adult are showing empathy by validating their feelings.We all have bad days and when we do, it is good to share them with our students and children. Also, if the child does something that is not particularly nice you can tell them you feel upset and the reason why.After all the feelings have been discussed and given name to you can start talking about what do you need to do together so everyone would be happy. We need to provide guidance so the children will develop the ability to find solutions peacefully and on their own.

This resource was uploaded by: Aleksandra