Tutor HuntResources Basic Skills Resources

What Is The Best Way To Revise?

Revision Technique

Date : 04/08/2021

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Uploaded by : Hardik
Uploaded on : 04/08/2021
Subject : Basic Skills

A lot of students always ask me, what is the best way to revise sir? My answer to them is well, you can revise whichever that suits you best. The one thing that i have learnt in my life from teaching and learning is that there is no one set method of revising that is most effective and applicable to each student. There are so many multiple ways to revise such as making pure notes, creating flash cards, drawing up posters and sticking them on your wall or just having a group learning session with your friends. Some can even just read the lecture or work content once and manage to store it in their photographic memory. My recommendation would be to try out all the methods all at once and see which one works best for yourself. Doing lots of past papers and practice questions are also very advisable since they give you an idea of what the examiners will be looking for in the papers that they set you.

This resource was uploaded by: Hardik