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Myths About Drinking Water

Are you drinking too much water?

Date : 22/05/2021

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Uploaded by : Manali
Uploaded on : 22/05/2021
Subject : Nutrition

The most important component. We all know its importance and its health benefits. Therefore we know how important is to keep our body hydrated. I am sure most of you must have read hundreds of myths and facts about it.

I remember one of my patients, she was in her early 40s and tried maintaining a healthy lifestyle for herself. She once mentioned, I drink a lot of water to keep myself hydrated such that I make sure my pee is like crystal clear water. There I realized the dangers of half-knowledge which people tend to acquire through the internet these days. I am not saying what all you read online is untrue, but just be aware of all the facts and make sure you ask experts before adopting any change in your lifestyle.

Here are the few things that everybody of you should know.

It is important to keep your body hydrated but not over-hydrated coz an over-hydrated body will flush out essential vitamins (water-soluble vitamins) from your body.

The Pee (urine) of a well-hydrated body is like light lemon yellow or sometimes white or clear.

There is no set rule to have the same amount of water for everyone. Everybody has a different body and the amount of water required is also different. Food or fruits that we eat also has some amount of water which is also counted in hydrating your body.

If possible, make sure whenever you drink water either you are seated on the floor or a chair. This may sound silly but practising this small act has good benefits on your body.

If possible drink a glass of water whenever you are thirsty instead of just sipping in between as this helps your body to adjust to a regular rhythm of drinking water at a particular time.

Drinking Icy cold water is not a good idea. People have a myth that icy cold water helps to lose weight. Instead, icy cold water, especially after the meal can create many health problems in long run. Drink lukewarm or room temperature water.

Please be aware of all facts and consult your health practitioner before you adopt any change in your lifestyle after reading from the internet. Everybody is different, so all the information we read on the internet may not necessarily be suited for everyone. There can be exceptions and you can be one of them, so stay alert and well informed.

Stay Well Stay Hydrated

This resource was uploaded by: Manali