Tutor HuntResources English Resources

Make Your Writing Great: Remember To Plan

the importance of planning

Date : 19/03/2021

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Uploaded by : Alex
Uploaded on : 19/03/2021
Subject : English


When you`ve got something to write and it`s hanging over you like a big, grey cloud, the last thing you want to think about is doing a plan as well. Many people get anxious or impatient and just want to dive straight in, and that`s understandable. However, just taking a breath and a step back in order to do some kind of plan - even one that takes 30 seconds - can make a very big difference to the quality of your finished work.

Without a plan, you are asking your brain to work on too many things at the same time: 1) WHAT to write 2) what ORDER to write it in and 3) HOW to write it (in other words, remembering to use effective techniques). And this isn`t all, number 4) is making sure that your SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) is as accurate as possible. By planning, you can take some of the strain off your brain by dealing with number 1 and 2 BEFORE you start writing.


Most students who plan find it useful to do a brainstorm/mindmap/spider diagram of their main points (you just write down the first thing that comes into your head) and then number them so that they already have an idea of the STRUCTURE of what they are writing. It`s whatever works for you the plan is NOT FOR YOUR TEACHER - even though they are the ones who have probably nagged you about doing one - it is for YOU to refer to as you write and may not even make much sense to someone else. Even five words representing five points in the order you want to deal with them is much much better than nothing. It makes your life easier, just as taking a shopping list into the supermarket with you is better than scurrying around the aisles hoping that you will remember everything you want to buy. I know some of you claim to have amazing memories but why test yourself more than you need to when what is being asked of you is to produce an effective piece of writing?


I keep mentioning order and structure and that`s because it`s so important, more important than many students realise. Many of you will be able to employ elegant or emotive vocabulary, sizzling similes and mighty metaphors (not to mention amazing alliteration) but teachers and examiners are looking at your structure too. A great piece of writing is like a great movie: it all fits together and here is my top top tip: decide what you want to say at the end first before you decide what comes in the middle. This can really help! When you know where you`re going, you can tease and manipulate the reader`s reactions magnificiently. Deciding how to get from A (your beginning) to B (the end) can also produce some great twists. I really recommend you try it.


So, next time you are tempted to leap into a piece of writing without a plan. Take a breath and take a step back and think before you leap.

This resource was uploaded by: Alex