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The Science Behind Building Muscle In Both Males And Females.

An understanding behind the science behind building muscle and the discussion of how to build muscle

Date : 17/07/2020

Author Information

Syed Ali

Uploaded by : Syed Ali
Uploaded on : 17/07/2020
Subject : Bodybuilding

The science behind building muscle has been discussed for a very long time, and within this time, many people have put across many interventions, often either backed up with consistently proven scientific based evidence, or opinionated views that have been put across via past experiences for themselves.

However, I aim to truly and properly discuss and hopefully, conclude the science behind building muscle.

Muscles within the body tend to build stronger after we train them, as they go through a process called hypertrophy.

This is because during exersise, muscle fibres begin to tear due to the stress and tension they are dealing with, and when muscles tear, they need to rebuild, but the body does not rebuild them they were before, but with more muscle fibres, which are stronger and perform greater when delivering oxygen around the body. This is know as hyperplasia.

Hypertrophy and hyperplasia, however, only occur when the body is at rest, and the process is sped up only if nutrient rich foods are consumed. And, if only one decides to repeat this process over a long period of time, they should be able to achieve a muscular physique.

Now, a question one may ask is "Do I need to be weight lifting to build muscle?" or "Should I stick with a calisthenics program?" and so forth. My response would be to do what you suits your needs the most.

For example, if you want to build muscle for the sake of building muscle, stick to a traditional weight training program, and of course mix it up a bit with new exercises and variations to truly challenge your body.

However, if you wish build an athletic, functional physique, then I would suggest follow the training regimen of sports which require participants to not only be physically fit, but strong. These sports may include wrestling, rugby calisthenics and judo, in which you are consistently having to use your bodies maximul capacity strength whilst training.

The reason for why you will build muscle after a long period of time training in these sports is because as you perform some movements, such as a muscle-up, wrestling takedown or hill sprints whilst carrying a heavy object on your back, your muscles are having to move a heavy stimulus to successfully execute the movement, and the stress those muscles experience during those movements leads to little micro-tears within the muscles, which leads to hypertrophy.

However, an important note to take from this is that YOU DO NOT NEED THE GYM TO BUILD MUSCLE. A calisthenics program is enough to build muscle, but if calisthenics is too challenging, either start with a simple routine or start with weights, your choice.

This resource was uploaded by: Syed Ali

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