Tutor HuntResources Physics Resources

Guidelines For Success In A Level Physics Exams

Date : 28/05/2020

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Uploaded by : Tony
Uploaded on : 28/05/2020
Subject : Physics

Guidelines for success in A level Physics exams

1. Know the formulae: You need to learn the formulae by heart, including the meaning of symbols and the units of quantities. Practise rearranging formulae until you are fully confident.

2. Steer clear of traps: There are standard mistakes which students consistently make get to know them and avoid them (eg Kelvin temperatures and mixing diameter and radius)

3. Show your working: When solving problems, break your working out into steps, write down each step before you evaluate the results. Record units at each stage in particular, use SI units. Check your unit conversions carefully.

4. Know your technical language: Make sure you have the textbook definitions, descri ptions (and even explanations) in your head don t wing it in the exam.

5. Practise answering experiment-based questions: Practice writing plans and methods. Make sure you have an in-depth understanding of Uncertainty.

6. Multiple Choice Questions: These need a different approach. Practise strategies for answering different types but remember that they are only ever worth one mark each.

7. Know your mark-schemes: You should use the markschemes as a template for answering questions. In particular, make sure you understand HOW the examiner awards marks and let this be your guide.

8. Read the question: Make sure you are addressing the actual question this is vital.

9. Be your own examiner: Always proof read and check the validity of your answers.

This resource was uploaded by: Tony

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