Tutor HuntResources English Resources

Hints For Writing A Literature Response

A quick guide to structuring a response and using textual evidence

Date : 24/11/2017

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Uploaded by : Michael
Uploaded on : 24/11/2017
Subject : English

Hints for writing a literature response

The title is "What are impressions of Toby`s relationship with his father after reading `Powder` by Tobias Wolff?'lt;/p>

- try to refer to the keyword ("relationship") at least 2 or 3 times in your essay

- plan your response, breaking it into paragraphs

- use what are called discourse markers to link your paragraphs (eg...Whereas the father is reckless, Toby is a very careful person...).

A reference is saying something like...the dad annoys Toby because he leaves it so late to leave for home.. You have interpreted the text to make a point but not actually quoted the writer`s words

Using quotations

If you quote less than a whole sentence, fit it into your own sentence by using quotation marks. The sentence should still make sense without the quotation marks. Eg. At the end, Toby trusts his father because "he was a great driver".

If you quote more than a sentence, you must use PQE (Point, Quotation, Evidence), using a colon to introduce your chosen quotation .Eg.

Toby`s dad shows his love for Toby:

"He wouldn`t give up. He promised, hand on heart, to take good care of me and have me home for dinner on Christmas Eve, and she relented.'lt;/p>

Although this shows his determination to be with his son, he still puts Toby in danger by trying to fit in one last run.

This resource was uploaded by: Michael