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Entrepreneurship As It Compares Between The Uk And Eu

This was an article that compared entrepreneurship as it compares in Europe today

Date : 03/03/2016

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Uploaded by : Raymund
Uploaded on : 03/03/2016
Subject : Economics

This is an article that dealt with knowing what doing business in Europe today is like,It also deems to address the problem of unemployment and how entrepreneurship can address this hydra-headed problem, how certain people have used the gift of entrepreneurship to pry themselves from the jaws of joblessness, and from the problems that pose as offspring from this new and widespread phenomena.

The case was in the early twenty century, when you graduated from secondary or tertiary education, it was a sure as straight license to get a job, but nowadays in the twenty first century, that is after the year 2000, youngsters or the youth that graduate from secondary schools are told that entrepreneurship should be one of the tools they carry on into their future lives,But the question is,can entrepreneurship be taught, or is it just pure instinct and talent that a human being is born with,or is it a subject matter that can be taught in a class room,The opinion of many is such that this rising tide has defied structure according to economic models and modules that say birth rate and death rate should dictate or affect the working population of any country in the World.The number of the retiring population is getting larger in the EU by the day, and the birth rate of those that will take on these new jobs are diminishing, or are not being filled at all, due to lower birth rates,and emigration of skilled labour due to the relinquishing of border controls across most of europe,the apprenticeships programme that existed that has been abandoned on the altar of new jobs in the IT and new innovation industries thereby abandoning the creative part of the employment circle that says you start from the bottom or middle and rise to the top of the employment ladder due to gained experience and maybe certification you gained along the way.The creative and manufacturing industry has higher rates of employment than the new jobs of today in the IT industry that has short or long term contracts.

Some examples that can be made in today`s entrepreneurial environment is the likes of Sir Richard Branson (Virgin Group), Sir Martin Sorrell (WFP), Sir Ian Wood(Wood Group) and that`s just mentioning a few that have built,grown and maintained their businesses over the years in the UK, examples in the EU are Madame Bettencourt (L`oreal),Bernard Arnault (LVMH).

The best way to go, and i for one as a researcher and entrepreneur and ardent believer in the entrepreneurial spirit is the only way to get rid of unemployment.

This resource was uploaded by: Raymund