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The Importance Of Having A Growth Mindset In Education

This article will explain how the simple action of changing your mindset can drastically improve your grades regardless of your intelligence

Date : 24/08/2015

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Uploaded by : Sami
Uploaded on : 24/08/2015
Subject : Basic Skills

Your mindset is how you look at the world, how you think, how you take on challenges, what you believe to be possible and what you believe isn`t. What if I told you changing your mindset could improve your grades and you longer had to be `dumb`. First you must understand the two different types of mindset - fixed versus growth mindset. People with a fixed mindset believe they are born with certain abilities and intelligences, in which they are very difficult or near on impossible to change. So whatever we do in life, we better only do what we`re good at at the risk of looking stupid. This leads to people lacking belief in themselves as they think things such as not having the potential to do it and so give up easily, resulting in failure or achieving goals that require very little effort. Those with a growth mindset believe their intelligences can be changed through effort, challenge and just trying their best. They know they grow and develop only when they struggle through doing things that works their brain. They don`t give up easily when an activity is difficult, instead they reflect on what they did well and how they can improve. Not only will I teach you the science content you are struggling with, I`m also able to coach you in this area to help you learn how to learn. Once you learn how to learn, you`ll be able to take on any challenge in life and truly achieve the goals you`ve always wanted to.

This resource was uploaded by: Sami