Tutor HuntResources Maths Resources

Drawing Graphs

A guide to drawing graphs.

Date : 22/01/2015

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Uploaded by : Liam
Uploaded on : 22/01/2015
Subject : Maths

These can be tricky. Here a few rules for drawing them.

1. The vertical ( up line) is called the Y axis and the horizontal (along line) is called the X axis.. They must be labelled including the units. If in doubt `TIME (S)` is always on the bottom.

2. All graphs should have an underlined title. GRAPH TO SHOW THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN (Y axis/Up heading ) WITH RESPECT TO (X axis/Along heading)

3. Use correct scale. 6 big squares up by 6 big squares across, is the nicest looking size for a graph. 5 is almost as good.

4. To make sure your data fits into the perfect size of a graph. Divide the biggest number of each side by five and round down. This is how much one big square should be. E.g.

Biggest number of Y axis ( let`s call it speed) is 28 m/s 28/5= 5.6 rounded down to 5 Six squares up, numbered 5,10,15,20,25,30

Biggest Number of X axis (let`s call it time) is 129

129/5= 25.8 rounded down to 25 Six squares along, numbered 25,50,75,100,125,150


This resource was uploaded by: Liam

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