Tutor HuntResources English Resources

Grammar Is Key

The importance of grammar

Date : 07/12/2014

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Uploaded by : Sally
Uploaded on : 07/12/2014
Subject : English

Grammar. It is a necessary evil. Many students underestimate the necessity of grammar. For example, I am currently teaching a student, and her first language is Italian. Wanting to learn English as a second language in order to improve her job opportunity, she asked me, "Sally, can we just skip the grammar and concentrate on writing and speaking?". After a long sigh, I looked at her and said, "yes, if you so wish. But we won`t get very far." "Why not?" she asked. "Well, skipping grammar is like trying to run before you can walk. You won`t be able to form a sentence, nor hold a flowing conversation. You won`t make sense of English as a language. Yes, it is boring. Yes, it is long. But it is necessary. If you don`t know the difference between an adjective and a noun, how do you expect to write a full-length letter?" After this explanation, she understood. Frustrating and time-consuming as it is, grammar is the building blocks of English, and without a concrete understanding of it, you cannot hope to progress. So, to all you English students out there, be patient! Grammar fiends (such as myself) are on hand to help you! A good knowledge of grammar will lead to a well-rounded awareness of the English language.

This resource was uploaded by: Sally