Tutor HuntResources Biology Resources

40 Days.....


Date : 05/04/2014

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Uploaded by : Babette
Uploaded on : 05/04/2014
Subject : Biology

With the GCSE exams a little less than 40 days away, a sense of panic may be settling in. Having gone through this process before; I know the feeling all too well. However, I propose that TODAY is the perfect time to dig your heels and get through. At this point, you are likely tired day in and day out of outlining and memorization. Wondering how to muster enough strength to get over this hump? KEEP CALM.

Panic and stress are not your friends. An occasional freak out is understandable; I even recommend it to keep you human and not feeling like an robot. However, a feeling of hopelessness everyday is not where you want to be. If you feel as if no progress is being made, perhaps you want to take a step back and do some evaluation. Look at where you started and compare it to where you are currently. Give yourself credit where it is due. If you have put in the hours, at least be proud of that fact! It is no easy task to commit yourself for this process. Do not get stuck in a cycle of self-loathing and exhaustion. If you have not put the hours in, now is a good time to start! A good private tutor can help you catch up a whole module in an hour. Great value for time and money available at the price for a night out!

After 3-4 days of studying, take a day off to just decompress and marinate on all the information. Take a leisure walk along the river/beach/lake, get out your bike and hit the bike path, or just sit in your bed and practice meditation. Whatever you choose, just be sure to set aside a time to relax. The exam is truly important, but your health and sanity are even more so. Invest the time and money now - it will be worth it when you get hit your target grade and get into Uni or that dream job!

This resource was uploaded by: Babette