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What Lessons Can Those Seeking Radical Social and Poitical Change Take From the Spanish Civil War?

What lessons can those seeking radical social change learn from the Spanish Revolution? The Spanish Civil War of 1936-1939, and the collectivisation of both industrial and agrarian ...

Aesthetics and Politics in Postmodern Theory

How are Politics and Aesthetics linked in Postmodern Theory?: Exploring Frederic Jameson and Zygmunt Bauman s Aesthetico-Political Positions. The turn towards the primacy of aesthet...

The Rise of the Far Right Since the 1980s

Since the 1980s, there has been a drastic rise in the number of niche parties (Spies and Franzmann, 2011: p.1044) on the political stage in many European countries. Among the most p...

Analysing Welfare State Emergence, Development, and Retrenchment (?) : Is a Power/Resources Approach Sufficient in Determining Why Some Welfare States Are More Generous Than Others?

This essay seeks to address differences in welfare provision in advanced industrial countries, to determine the factors that affect welfare state generosity. The essay gives primacy...

Open Marxist State Theory Analysis of the 2013 Welfare Reforms

An Open Marxist State Theory analysis of the 2013 Welfare Reform Act in BritainThis essay seeks to analyse the recent welfare cuts by the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition, th...

Is Power Ubiquitous?

This essay will address whether Foucault s conception of power as ubiquitous withstands the criticisms levelled at it predominantly by Jurgen Habermas and Nancy Fraser. The Foucau...

Marx`s Intellectual Debt

This essay addresses the degree to which Marx owes an intellectual debt in his work, to the philosophy of Hegel and the Utopian Socialists respectively. It will argue that Marx’s ph...

Was there an opportunity for peace in the Cold War immediately following Stalin`s death?

This essay seeks to address the credibility of the claim that there was, following Stalin s death in 1953, an opportunity for peace between the U.S.S.R and the allied Western Power...

The Power Of Tutoring

Private tutoring is a fast-growing, worldwide phenomenon. This seems to be down to a number of factors: the positive effects on a student, increased competition among students and lac...

Evaluate China’s policy to cope with challenges in water management with reference to water shortage

Evaluate China s policy to cope with challenges in water management with reference to water shortage China faces huge disparities in the distribution of water throughout the coun...