Tutor Hunt

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Surround yourself with positive people

Pessimism is a catalyst for cataclysm I know that, you know that, Hell, even John Snow knows that.The important question is, however, what, if anything, are we doing about that?I have...

What constitutes good teaching practice

Good teaching practice is a key influence on student learning. In order to give students high-level teaching performance, teachers should partly think as learners. To begin with, th...


Much ink has been spilled in the discourse on minority rights and indigenous rights and it has been recognised under international law through various treaty instruments as distinct r...

Medieval Literature of Conversion and Love.

The notion of sight having powerful and moving effects can be considered a common trope within Middle English literature. This is partially due to the ideas of sensory perception w...

Accent Improvement

Accent Improvement - areas to work onFirst of all, I prefer to refer to accent improvement , rather than accent reduction, neutralising or softening it seems more pos...

Teacher to tutor - either way, it takes a BIG heart to shape little minds.

It was 10 years ago I first entered the classroom. I had enough energy to excite the whole school community, enough bounce to bring learning to life and enough passion to teach the ch...

Post-Capitalist Theatre: A Thought Experiment

In his article for The Guardian on 17th July, Paul Mason outlined how a future society might look. Based on his upcoming book Post-Capitalism, he argued that, in a new information-c...

History HIS3 A Level AQA Paper

This is the last year of AQA paper 3 but this is an important exam for all those second years taking it. This article is intended to give some guidance on how to answer those question...

“Two tickets for a TEFL tutor. Today please!”

Picture yourself, standing still in the middle of a very busy Victoria Station and not understanding English too well. Silently, for two minutes. You hear the noise of voices you d...

What Are You Writing For?

‘What Are You Writing For?’ When I’m looking at comprehension with my students or if they’re doing a writing task for me, I explain to them that they need to know two things: WHO?WHY?...