Tutor Hunt

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The Art of Effective Revision: Strategies for Academic Success

Revision, the final frontier before exams, can be both a daunting and essential phase of the learning process. It`s the bridge between acquiring knowledge and demonstrating mastery. B...

Percentage Yield

There will almost certainly be a percentage yield question in your AS or A2 chemistry exam. These can be quite daunting questions, especially to those who aren`t very confident in mat...

Coronavirus: how to keep teaching if schools are closed

02 March 2020Coronavirus has already caused the closure of schools across the world and it may be that even more schools will have to close in the coming months.What can you do to en...

History and structure of atoms

The Idea of the Atom: Way back, around 400 B.C., this smart Greek chap named Democritus coined the term "atomos", meaning "indivisible". He thought matter was made of these tiny parti...

German present tense

Present tenseThe regular conjugation for the present tense is as follows:spielen (to play)Ich spiel-eDu spiel-stEr/sie/es spiel-tWir spiel-enIhr spiel-tSie spiel-en

Infection and Response Q&A

INFECTION AND RESPONSE 1 1. Explain how diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, protists and fungi are spread in animals and plants2. Explain how the spread of diseases can...

Organisation Q&A

ORGANISATION 11. What name is given to the basic building blocks of all living organisms2. Define tissue3. Define organ4. Order cell, organ, organism, organ system, ...

Cell Biology Q&A

CELL BIOLOGY 1 1. What do eukaryotic cells contain?2. What do prokaryotic cells contain?3. Which is smaller, a prokaryotic cell or eukaryotic cell?4. Give two example...

142 Studies show why Financial literacy so Important, and how you can help your child!

Why is financial literacy so important and why should we be teaching-learning about this at school!Few of us are prepared or are confident enough to discuss real-life money matters. l...

How are electrical impulses transmitted across synapses?

Action potential opens voltage gated Ca2+ channels Ca2+ enters presynaptic terminal causes exocytosis of vesicles Acetylcholine diffuses across cleft at neuromuscul...