Tutor HuntSubjectsMaths Tutors


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London, London
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Member Since: 25/12/2016
Last Login: 3 years ago
Response Rate: no data
Expected Response : no data
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My Qualifications

Imperial College London
Chemical Engineering
First  (2019)
A Level
Dulwich College
Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry, Physics
A*  (2015)

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How references rated Zhuotong

Information about Zhuotong

I am a PhD Chemical Engineering student at University of Cambridge who is looking to help out some people. I achieved a First Class in Chemical Engineering at Imperial College London and Distinction for my Masters. I have previously achieved 10 A* in GCSE and 4 A* in A-levels (Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry, Physics). I am very confident with my mathematics and science knowledge up to A-level standard.

I believe when it comes to tutoring students, a good rhythm and pace is important during the lesson. My method of teaching will prevent the student loosing their concentration and will have a maximum knowledge in take.

Bachelors & Masters: First Class Honour and Distinction

GCSEs: 10A* and 2A
Further Mathematics-A*

Availability: Mainly weekends

Willing to travel: 3 miles

Experience: I engage with students very actively throughout the sessions. I try to stimulate their brains as much as possible by making the students answer their questions. I believe this is the best way to learn and remember any new materials. I also believe patience is key in this field. Sometimes if students do not understand the topic, I will always try different approaches to explain until they do and make sure they have fully understood the concept by asking them alternative questions. I like to set the students some homework at the end of each session; I always tell them to do some questions from the textbook or the past papers 2-3 days after the session. This way the students can refresh their knowledge on the topic and helps to store the knowledge in the long-term memory. When approaching the exams, I tend go through a lot of past papers with the students; this is when I teach them all the revision techniques and exam tricks. I help the students to plan their study routine accordingly to the exam timetable, highlight the important points to memorise, how to interpret exam questions and etc. In the end, the students should be very familiar the syllabus and should almost preempt the marking scheme for each exam questions.

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After School

Feedback For Zhuotong (1)

We have a total of 1 review(s) for Zhuotong.

Anthony (Mr)

4/5 Rating

Thomas is always on time and a very clever person. It may be a bit too early to tell whether my daughter has improved her physics and chemistry with the tuition. I am sure he is doing his best to teach my daughter.

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