Tutor HuntSubjectsEconomics Tutors


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Oxford, Oxfordshire
Home Town: Oxford
Member Since: 05/06/2022
Last Login: 21 months ago
Response Rate: no data
Expected Response : no data
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How references rated Isaac

Rates summary: £37.00 to £45.00 per hour

Information about Isaac

My Name is Isaac, and I am a 2nd year undergraduate studying Philosophy, Politics and Economics at the University of Oxford. I was born in Leeds, and live in Sheffield, spending my whole education in a state comprehensive school. Because of my background, I am very involved with Oxford’s outreach programme, and give a lot of my time to supporting those from worse-off backgrounds to have equal opportunity. I also enjoy athletics and am the president of my university club.

Willing to travel: Home Only

Experience: in Year 13, I was as a volunteer teaching assistant for a year, working with year 7 students with Special Educational Needs to teach them maths. This taught me a lot about how to adjust content to a level specific to the student, and how to communicate ideas and concepts that may come naturally to me, but others struggle with.
Once I got into Oxford, I began to tutor state school students for free, to help prepare them for the Oxford entrance exam and interview. Equal opportunity to people from all backgrounds is something I am passionate about, so was willing to give up my time voluntarily. I then worked as a tutor for ringle, teaching south-Korean students English. Whilst this isn`t specifically tutoring any subject, it gave me experience in a 1 on 1 tutoring environment, and taught me skills surrounding lesson planning, giving feedback etc.

DBS Check: Yes

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