Tutor HuntSubjectsEnglish Tutors


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London, London
Home Town: London
Member Since: 03/07/2021
Last Login: 3 years ago
Response Rate: no data
Expected Response : no data
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Information about Naadirah

Studying BA History at Queen Mary University of London

Availability: Monday to Friday - afternoons

Willing to travel: 2 miles

Experience: Throughout my time at University I have held positions of: Student Mentor, Student Ambassador and Secretary of Queen Mary Bangladeshi Society - one of the largest cultural societies in the University. Through these positions I have been able to pick up and equip myself with important transferable skills such as: communication, teamwork and interpersonal skills - which I believe are crucial for a tutoring position. My role as Student Mentor was an insightful opportunity to work closely with young people and build a positive rapport with them - which I feel would be beneficial to this role when engaging with young people and colleagues alike.

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