Tutor HuntSubjectsEnglish Tutors


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Denby, Derbyshire
Home Town: Denby
Member Since: 11/10/2018
Last Login: 3 months ago
Response Rate: no data
Expected Response : no data
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My Qualifications

Nottingham Trent University
Primary PGCE
Pass  (2015)
University of Law (incorporating College of Law)
Pass  (2004)
The University of Huddersfield
LLB Hons
2:1  (2003)

Verification Status

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Information about Wayne

I graduated from The College of Law in York in 2004 and then worked in business for a number of years. Following this, I successfully completed the PGCE at Nottingham Trent University in 2014 where I worked extensively within the city of Nottingham.

Willing to travel: 10 miles

Experience: Having years of experience as a class teacher, I have worked across Key Stages 1 and 2 with children from a range of backgrounds and abilities including pupils with a variety of Special Educational Needs. I have experience of Y6 SATS as a marler of the tests.

When tutoring pupils, I provide activities that will quickly boost their confidence and raise self-esteem. I also like to find out what their current understanding of a subject is. During these early stages, misconceptions will often come to light that need addressing as these may be hampering their progress. I feel it is important for children to become fully involved in the process of their learning and I like to agree targets with them that we will then work on.

We all learn in different ways. Some of us are very visual and like to look at books, websites and other texts. Other people prefer to listen to things and talk about their learning. There are also people who learn best from practical activities and games. I am very aware of how my different pupils learn best and I tailor my sessions to suit the individual’s learning style.

When teaching SPaG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) to pupils, I have a range of fun board games that keep pupils motivated. I feel it’s important to embed concepts in a fun way before tackling SATS questions.

I have tutored a range of subjects from children passing KS2 SATS to GCSE higher Maths exams.

With the current social distancing situation I also do online lessons.

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After School

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