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Geography Areas Covered: Bournemouth
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Here you can browse our top 5 Geography Tutors located in Bournemouth, we have ordered our results by proximity to Bournemouth town centre. Tutor Hunt is a great place to search local Bournemouth Geography Tutors. To make contact with any of Tutor Hunt members you must register an account with us. If you wish to search deeper such as refining teaching level from primary level through to a level, please use the search box above to find your perfect Geography tutor!

Bournemouth Geography Tutors
PGCE School Centred Initial Teacher Training (Secondary)
/ hr
I am a NQT Secondary PE teacher with Geography as a second subject as well as experience working with primary ages and special education. A positive, enthusiastic and...
Bournemouth, Dorset (0.9 miles from centre)
15 miles
Member for
4 years
5 (1 students)
BA History
/ hr
I have recently completed my undergraduate studies receiving a First Class Honours degree. I am originally from Guildford and moved to Bournemouth in 2015 for my stud...
Bournemouth, Dorset (1.9 miles from centre)
10 miles
Member for
6 years
4.5 (2 students)
A Level History
/ hr
Students I have tutored have achieved excellence, with noticeable improvements in both understanding of the subject and confidence in expressing complex ideas. I am cu...
Bournemouth, Dorset (2.5 miles from centre)
3 miles
Member for
9 years
5 (7 students)
/ hr
I`ve had problems with several tutors but I`ve finally found the perfect tutor. . . It`s a shame I didn`t find her early on in my degree. You`re a star Amy, thank you!...
Poole, Dorset (2.9 miles from centre)
8 miles
Member for
10 years
BSc Psychology
/ hr
Level. I am mainly looking to tutor online and would be available to help with any 24/7. I have had a variety of experience in tutoring children from all different age...
Poole, Dorset (4 miles from centre)
5 miles
Member for
3 years

Feedback for our tutors in from previous students

"Jeremy has recently been tutoring my daughter age 18 who is about to sit her Alevel/A2 geography exams. He has been fabulous - he really knows and enjoys his subject, he is very helpful and he arrives promptly and extremely well prepared. His tutoring sessions have boosted my daughter`s confidence and motivation and he has briefed her well about preparing her revision notes. Highly recommend."
 Feedback for Jeremy
"Good, inspired my daughter and helped her confidence immediately prior to her English Language retake."
 Feedback for Moira
"Chris has worked with my daughter Daisy in preparation for her GCSE Geography. Like all children in 2020/21, GCSEs have created a level of uncertainty and worry and we felt it necessary to reach out and find a tutor who could help build Daisy`s confidence and revision technique for whatever assessment method she faced. In short, Chris has been a total super star! We have seen Daisy`s grades improve dramatically from being a mid-range student to achieving top quartile results (in school tests as part of the GCSE evidence portfolio) but more importantly, our daughter has develop a level of geography confidence and capability that we could have not achieved without Chris. His style is practical, straight forward, engaging and with bags of common sense. Daisy looked forward and enjoyed every session with him. If you are looking for a great geography tutor, I would highly recommend Chris."
 Feedback for Chris
"I was tutored by Oliver for around a year on the CIE A level curriculum. Oliver was an excellent tutor and I found him to be very professional and very calm. He explained things really well and also managed to summarise information very well into the 1 hour sessions we had. We worked on a wide range of things like the theory side of Geography, practice questions and past papers. He was excellent on all of those and gave very detailed feedback. I got over 90% on all 3 components of my Geography exam, leading to an A* in my A level. I am very happy with the lessons I had and thoroughly recommend Oliver to anyone looking for geography tuitions!"
 Feedback for Oliver
"It has always been a pleasure to have Francesca around and helping out. She is very patient, kind and friendly. She is very good at explaining things (even a million times) and always makes out of her way to make sure homework is completed and a task is delivered. She has always been punctual and very driven in her work. She is a very ambitious girl and often motivates those around her."
 Feedback for Erica
"Tasnia is excellent, diligent, hardworking and reliable. Tasnia will make a highly supportive tutor who will go above and beyond for students and will no doubt flourish in her role."
 Feedback for Georgina

Customer Satisfaction based on 420 reviews
"I certainly recommend Tutor Hunt. The Service is very professional, and efficient..."
Lashae 2016/02/13