Tutor HuntResources C Plus Plus Resources

Why Learn C++ Today

Learning C++ is simple and important

Date : 18/02/2014

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Uploaded by : Vijay
Uploaded on : 18/02/2014
Subject : C Plus Plus

FIRSTLY, it all depends on how one defines "learning a language".

Learning C++ syntax is a basic matter of writing a handful of practice applications. Then you get to learn other structures like pointers, classes etc. Then comes the data structures (the implementation in code is usually similar to how you`d write an algorithm in common pseudocode).

REMEMBER: Being proficient in a high level language may make you a programmer, but "knowing" C++ will make you conscious of what needs to be done in programs & coding.

UNDERSTAND: "learning C++" is not really a process you can ever reach the end of; it is being used & improved regularly". SUMMARY: By learning a lower-level language such as C++ you will learn basic concepts such as: Memory Management Pointers Experience coding without "rich" built-in libraries (compared to: Java API, .NET Framework) Once you have solid experience with a lower level language, you will have a better understanding of how higher-level platforms work. Over the long term this will help make you a better developer in Ruby, Python, Java, etc... A lot of languages were modelled on the syntax and constructs, for example C#, Java, Javascri pt, etc. Picking up C++ or at least C will give you a head start by teaching you the common denominator between all those languages. C++ on your resume can often lead to Salary++. It is just respected as more of a hardcore language.

FINALLY, Some popular reasons for learning C++ are here: 1. Nearly all of the books in science and technology have their code samples written in C/C++. 2. C/C++ compilers are known to produce more efficient machine code than any other compilers (with Fortran perhaps being the exception). There are billions of lines of code already written in C++. Your possibilities for code reuse are huge! 3. Lots of books, forums, & on-line content available. 4. Well defined ISO standard that is updated by a group of experts from time to time. (It`s not a "frozen" language). 5. Supported on most platforms, from micro-controllers (actually C language) to cellphones. 6. Virtually all of the operative systems are coded in C

LASTLY, Many of the newer languages such as Java and C# have roots in C++. By learning C++ you will get some hands on experience with many concepts that are abstracted in the newer languages. It will make you appreciate the newer languages much more. Things such as memory management are very trivial in Java/C#, but take a lot of thought and patience to correctly implement in C++.

This resource was uploaded by: Vijay