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Goal Setting

Goal Setting

Date : 07/01/2014

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Uploaded by : Irke
Uploaded on : 07/01/2014
Subject : Management

Goal Setting "A goal is a dream with a deadline."- Napoleon Hill Goal setting is a two-part process that involves deciding what you want to accomplish and creating a plan to gain the result you desire. It is an intellectual exercise that allows us to plan for the future and make changes to projected consequences. Importance of Goal Setting Achievers in all fields- whether successful business men or topnotch athletes, set goals. The process allows you to have long term-vision and short-term motivation. At the same time, it gives you focus on knowledge gain and helps you manage your time and resources. Here are some of the main benefits of goal setting: Increases self-confidence Helps us make big decision Gives life satisfaction, hope and optimism Offers greater sense of control and effectiveness Personal Goal Setting It is hard to determine your destination in your life if you don't set personal goals. Nowadays, we see many people working hard, but they don't seem to get anywhere worthwhile. One of possible reasons why they end up wandering is because they did set any goal. Many individuals disregard the fact that the process of personal goal setting motivates an individual to turn his vision of the future into reality. In this way, a person can concentrate his efforts towards something they want to accomplish. Personal goal setting is all about planning to live your life the way you want. Business Goal Setting For any kind of business to triumph, it is crucial to set business goals. The process encourages business owners to visualize what they want for their business and its growth. Consequently, it gives them directions for pursuing that growth. Additionally, goals give business people a framework they could work on. A huge part of this is a timetable, which can highly influence the actions they take. How to Set a Goal? Now that we are aware that goal setting is one of the fastest routes to success, the bigger question is how do you set one? In order for the process of goal setting to be successful, you need to pick the "right" goals. You must establish SMART goals (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-targeted) that will support your well-formed goal statement. After formulating a well-formed goal statement, you can now break down goals into manageable steps. This step allows us to monitor our progress in achieving the goal. Keep in mind that you need to keep track of your goals that's why you need reminders such as timetables, calendars, and reports. Lastly, goal setting is a continuous process so there is a need for regular review and re-assessment of these goals. Take note of goals that are not being achieved on time as you may need to modify it. Goal Setting Tips In addition to the SMART goal setting technique, here are some tips that can help you in setting your goals. Pick goals that are worthwhile. Make your goals public. Commit to your goals. Prioritize your goals. Set deadlines. Be accountable to your goals. Evaluate your goals. Reward yourself after accomplishing a goal. References: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goal_setting http://sbinfocanada.about.com/od/goalsetting/g/goalsetting.htm http://www.canyons.edu/committees/leap/team1/15tips/tip3.asp http://www.entrepreneur.com/encyclopedia/goal-setting http://topachievement.com/paulchristenbury.html http://www.health.com/health/gallery/0,,20558029_5,00.html

This resource was uploaded by: Irke