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An Alternative Viewpoint On God

Philosophical Discussions.

Date : 12/10/2013

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Uploaded by : Thomas
Uploaded on : 12/10/2013
Subject : Philosophy

People often question the existence of god.

The important questions at hand aren't just "oh hey does X exist"

We need to have the balls to ask ourselves "if X exists, is the right action to praise him, or to rebel at all costs?"

There is no moral worth in simply saying "this branch of Christianity believes in a God, and that God exists, therefore I should join". That is called obedience - slavery - moral childhood - irresponsibility of the highest order.

Presume that God exists. Is that god worthy of anyone's attention? Should we not welcome his disdain? It can sometimes be good to be hated by a deity, especially if that deity is too weak in some respect essential to deserving praise.

No man who praises God just for being powerful is a wise man in my eyes; better to be destroyed by the infinitely powerful than to bow to it just for its being powerful.

To be worthy of praise in any real respect, we must first realize that this omnipotent figure called God is thus *responsible* for all bad things in the world, even if those bad things are only bad in our opinion. After all, he made us capable of feeling like shit was bad when he felt it was good - he made us capable of being wrong, capable of being flawed and silly creatures. He is, in essence, a pretty fucking bad parent.

All must be held accountable, even God. Especially God.

God would thus be both the greatest benefactor and the most evil criminal - the source of all good and all evil - and thus must not be seen as a purely good party, must not be worthy of praise forever. God is to be seen as an enemy, someone not to be trusted, someone who would cheat in a wrestling match as he did with Isaiah.

Better to be more noble than God and suffer eternally for it, than to suck up to an uncompassionate tyrant responsible for all the world's ills.

I am an agnostic theist - I believe God exists, but I don't know if he does - and moreover, I am one that mentally prepares. "what if the God(s) that exist(s) is (are) like X?"

In the case of most branches of Christianity, God is an evil entity that I must be judged by when I die - the ultimate form of a corrupt crime boss, oligarch, monarch, Plutarch. The ultimate form of bias, ultimate form of fortune's injustices. Sure, this isn't what the Christian scri pture tells me: but what ought I trust, words on a page or the palpable suffering of countless over centuries?

More people have been born, suffered, and died namelessly and fruitlessly over the course of the history of our species than currently exist right now. If you think the suffering of the current live population is big, imagine that of those that've all died already.

The fact that we live in a world where one's suffering can, often is, and often must be another's means of extracting joy from life's ennui. that fact is the first great crime against humanity that God, our Lord, has committed.

The Lord himself is essentially the highest aristocrat, committed to his own exultation at the expense of others, and willing to let us all wallow in an inferior creation just for the sake of a compelling eternal soap opera.

This resource was uploaded by: Thomas

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