Tutor HuntResources Spanish Resources

Learning Spanish: Some Of The Benefits.

Why learn Spanish?

Date : 27/09/2013

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Uploaded by : Monica
Uploaded on : 27/09/2013
Subject : Spanish

These are some of the fantastic reasons for your kids to start learning a foreign language such as Spanish as young as possible!

Did you know approximately 406 million people speak Spanish as a native language, making it second only to Mandarin in terms of its number of native speakers. It also has 60 million speakers as a second language, and 20 million students as a foreign language. Spanish is one of the six official languages of the United Nations, and is used as an official language by the European Union and Mercosur.

Learning a new language is exciting and rewarding no matter your age but the earlier you start the more you will benefit from it. Children are enthusiastic by nature and less inhibited to try to speak another language. This makes childhood the ideal time to learn a foreign language.

There are, however, many other reasons:

Greater confidence: The feeling of accomplishment that comes from being able to communicate in a different language can give them a deeper and broader passion for learning in general. According to research from UK Department of Education and Skills, learning a second language in primary school "develops self-confidence, enthusiasm, curiosity for languages and an openness."

Better Test Results: Studies show that students who have studied a foreign language perform much better on many standardized tests. As the Lord Dearing Report showed in 2007, there is a significant advantage in terms of GCSE achievement for pupils who have studied at least one foreign language.

Improved literacy skills: A study by York University in Canada suggests that knowing a second language gives bilingual children an advantage when reading, as these children can apply the experiences and insights of one language to the other, and as they grow older they also benefit from their experience of language and the world.

Better Learning skills: Being exposed to more than one language provides a fantastic opportunity to exercise a child's brain. Researchers have discovered that the learning skills that seem to be the most enhanced by acquiring a second language is critical thinking, and problem-solving.

Closer to native pronunciation: A study conducted by the UCLA and the University of Hong Kong demonstrates that adults who had an exposure to a second language during childhood-even if they did not learn to speak it-could end up speaking like a native. The earliest your child is exposed to a foreign language the more likely he or she will become a confident speaker.

Broader worldview: Traveling abroad is a fun experience that can be enhanced by having a knowledge of the local language and culture. Spain has remained a popular destination for British tourists and it is a fantastic place for your children to start practising their new language skills but Spanish language is spoken by millions of people worldwide.

Making Friends: Approximately 406 million people speak Spanish as a native language, making it second only to Mandarin in terms of its number of native speakers. It also has 60 million speakers as a second language, and 20 million students as a foreign language. That is a lot of new people to communicate with!

Wider opportunities in life: Having a second or third language can make an applicant`s record much more appealing to a University or a prospective employer. In a global economy, languages are a clear advantage.

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This resource was uploaded by: Monica