Tutor HuntResources Music Resources

Music, Patience, Discipline, Reward.

Date : 24/07/2013

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Uploaded by : Rachel
Uploaded on : 24/07/2013
Subject : Music

Having a musical Mother, growing up surrounded by music didn`t feel at the time like the privilege it was. I learned to read music at the same time as I learned to read English, and violin lessons began at the age of four. What I do remember very clearly is the struggle to maintain regular practice, especially given the sound a beginner violinist tends to produce. However I was strongly encouraged (I wont say forced as I don`t like the word and I believe that encouraging a young child to stick with an instrument is hard work!) to continue ,and was given the option of quitting when I hit my teens if I wanted to then. The focus and patience I developed in that time are qualities which I`m very thankful for as I don`t believe they would have come to me naturally had I not had something so rewarding and challenging to work for. In terms of teaching I would like to say that although I have a solid technical method which I have found works with almost all my pupils, I do try to find a way to inspire each individual, as I think its important to maintain a love for music and the instrument and not get bogged down in the drudgery of daily practice.

This resource was uploaded by: Rachel