Tutor HuntResources Spanish Resources

How To Pass Your Spanish Gcse With Flying Colours!

Top ten tips on how to succeed at Spanish GCSE

Date : 28/06/2013

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Uploaded by : Steven
Uploaded on : 28/06/2013
Subject : Spanish

Here are top ten tips on how to pass your GCSE Spanish with flying colours.

1. Learn vocabulary and key phrases both actively and passively i.e. rewrite them, study them, get someone to test you (active), record and play the vocabulary in the background (passive or subliminal learning).

2. Head on over to the BBC website - great resources and not enough people know about them. Mum or dad might also be interested.

3. Head on over to YouTube - search for Beyonce or Juanes. Great songs, great learning opportunities. Have the English subtitles on! Not your taste in music - search for others!

4. Seek out a Spanish penpal - The Spanish are keen to learn English. Trade some English for some Spanish.

5. Plan your revision carefully - you will have been told this at school...but actually do it!

6. Use the `fridge - put post-it notes of vocabulary or key phrases on the `fridge. Why? - so you see the words a lot and a kind member of your family will test you!

7. Record the key questions and answers for your GCSE oral exam. Listen yourself into a good result!

8. Read about your favourite singer / footballer in Spanish. It does not matter that you do not understand everything - look up the odd word, but do not slow yourself down too much. The idea is to enjoy the reading - the language does not matter!

9. Twitter - use it! Search on Spanish and wow!....Try it and see. 10. Get an enthusiastic tutor!

This resource was uploaded by: Steven