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Excel Tips

Short, Handy Excel Tips

Date : 30/05/2013

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Uploaded by : Maria
Uploaded on : 30/05/2013
Subject : Microsoft Excel

Excel Tip: To copy formats only, select, then first click the Format Painter on the Home Ribbon, then click the destination cell. Excel Tip: To copy formats only, copy as normal and use Paste Special and Formats Only.

Excel Tip: To paste the values of a cell and NOT the formula, copy as normal and use Paste Special and Values Only.

Excel Tip: To hide gridlines in Excel, uncheck the check box by Gridlines on the Page Layout Tab. Excel Tip: To protect a wholebook from changes, click Protect Sheet on the Review Ribbon. Excel Tip: Example of Data Validation: Allow Decimals larger than 0. Data Ribbon, Data Validation. Excel Tip: Example of Data Validation: Allow only text values in a cell if they are present in a specified range (e.g. Y or N in Cells... Excel Tip: Example of Data Validation: Restrict values in a cell to e.g. Decimals between 0 and 100. Data Ribbon, Data Validation....

Excel Tip: Restrict Dates entered in a cell to be between e.g. 1 Jan 2013 and 31 Dec 2013. Data Ribbon, Data Validation.... Excel Tip: To view 2 Workbooks simultaneously, go to the View Ribbon and click Arrange All.

Excel Tip: Remove Subtotals again, go to the same dialogue box, Data Ribbon, Subtotals.

Excel Tip: To auto-insert subtotals on a sorted data range, go to the Data Ribbon and Click on Subtotals.

Excel Tip: To remove the Table properties, go to the Table Design Context Ribbon and click CONVERT TO RANGE. Excel Tip: Format as a Table to auto-extend row and column formatting when working on adjacent cells. Excel Tip: When you have formatted a range as a Table, anything entered into a new column is auto-copied to all rows.... Excel Tip: To remove duplicates from a list, Go To the DATA Ribbon, select a column and click on Remove Column Widths. Excel Tip: To copy column widths, Copy as usual and Paste with Paste Special, select Column Widths.

Excel Tip: How to calculate loan payments with a compound interest rate in #Excel? Easy! Click , and I will forward the answer per #Spreadsheet... Excel Tip: =PMT(LoanAmount; Number of Months; Annual Interest rate / by 12) gives you the monthly payment on a loan on a fixed interest rate. Sarah,... Excel Tip: Explore Accounting #functions under the #Formula Ribbon, e.g. =Pmt() Excel Tip: View the "Conditional formatting" under the Home Ribbon, it can make your life a lot fun!

This resource was uploaded by: Maria

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