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Use Of Get

information sheet on the use of GET in English

Date : 11/12/2012

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Uploaded by : Gill
Uploaded on : 11/12/2012
Subject : EFL

The many uses of the verb TO GET

to get = to obtain, acquire, have, gain, earn, receive, catch, arrive, reach, become, must/have to

To get wet. To get thirsty. To get annoyed. To get tired. To get drunk. To get married. To get the flu. To get the sack. To get a new job. To get chatting. To get ready.

Get out! Get in! Get off! Get up! Get on! Get off the grass! Don`t get me started! Get well soon!

To get the credit for doing something. To get on someone`s nerves. To get through the day. To get over a bad experience. To get as far as you can with a subject or task. To get the car going. To get something done. To get out of bed. To get into conversation with someone. To get out of something you don`t want to do.

Things are getting out of hand. I need to get rid of some of these books. I can`t get used to living in a new city. I need to get back home. Can you get hold of this book for me? How much food have we got in the fridge? We have got to go shopping today. It`s late I`ll have to get going. Where has my handbag got to? It`s a long way, but we`ll get there eventually. Let`s get together for a chat next week. It`s time for the meeting we need to get a move on. She`s getting on in her career. She`s getting on a bit. The naughty boy got over the wall into our garden. He got away with murder.

This resource was uploaded by: Gill

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