Tutor HuntResources Fitness Resources

Overcoming Chronic Fatigue Self Help

ME/CFS firbomyalgia

Date : 09/11/2012

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Uploaded by : Janet
Uploaded on : 09/11/2012
Subject : Fitness

Keep a diary of Activities - note down times when you are doing too much or too little

Record your sleep pattern - are you taking a long time to go to sleep, waking frequently in the night, sleeping long hours.

Set targets - include leisure activities, hobbies, interest as well as work and home tasks. Make sure they are realistic and achievable and in balance with your new lifestyle. Don`t punish your body, that will just create a relapse.

Don`t worry about negative thoughts and beliefs

I haven't done anything today, I will never get better

Think up more helpful statements

Learn to recognise difficult times and listen to your body. Overcoming illness is not straightforward but with a balanced strategy in place you can overcome setbacks.

Setting a routine and sticking to it with ME can sometimes increase the symptoms and there will be times when your body is telling you to rest. However, try and keep to a routine and gradually you will get used to it and will notice the symptoms have lessened. Set backs may happen due to emotional upset, viral infection but don't be disheartened. Keep to a balanced lifestyle with as much routine as you can manage. Keep your doctor informed of your progress, especially if your symptoms become more severe.

Use your diary to notice the times you were active and the times you needed to rest, this will give you an indication of how to construct your schedule of activities.

Complete the diary at regular intervals during the day writing as much info, however trivial. Don't do it at the end of the day as you may have forgotten details. Do this for a couple of weeks.

Eat a healthy diet, notice if you have any intolerances to food, headaches, irritable bowel syndrome and keep a note in your diary, all of the information you gather can help toward your recovery.

This resource was uploaded by: Janet