Tutor HuntResources Android Development Resources

Pre-requisites For Android Dev

Things that you should know before you can get started with Android Development.

Date : 19/09/2012

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Uploaded by : Akash
Uploaded on : 19/09/2012
Subject : Android Development


The programming language for Android Development is java. So a working knowledge of java language is definitely a key requisite. You need not be a professional java developer but you should be comfortable in coding in java. For absolute beginners to the language I suggest `Head First Java`. Its a fun resource for learning java.


Previous exposure to eclipse, which is the official IDE(integrated development environment) for android, is not a must but a working knowledge of any IDE and if possible eclipse definitely eases the learning curve.


No this is not some another software component that you probably have to scale up on! But this one is definitely one of the most important pre-requisites of all. Android landscape is big. Its a complete OS! So give it some time. Be patient about it. Did you learn anything non-trivial in life in a week?

Once you have got the ammo I am sure nothing can stop you from taming the green monster. Best Wishes. Happy Learning.

This resource was uploaded by: Akash