Tutor HuntResources Italian Resources


Different kind of pronouns (B1 level)

Date : 09/10/2023

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Uploaded by : Paola
Uploaded on : 09/10/2023
Subject : Italian

Pronouns are an important part of the sentence. They are utilised in different ways even though it is the same word.

Used as a SUBJECT are IO, TU, LUI/LEI, NOI, VOI, LORO. Example: TU ami viaggiare all`estero.

Used to make the verb REFLEXIVE are MI, TI, SI, CI, VI and SI.Example: CI compriamo delle scarpe nuove per la festa di compleanno.

Used as a DIRECT OBJECT are MI, TI, LO/LA, CI, VI and LI/LE. Example: MI hanno invitato alla loro festa di compleanno.

Used as an INDIRECT OBJECT are MI, TI, GLI/LE, CI, VI and GLI. Example: GLI piace giocare a carte.

Construction pattern

Except for the subject pronouns, all the others have to go before the verb. Example: MI compri le scarpe TI sei lavato le mani.

How may you recognise the difference?

The REFLEXIVE pronoun person is always as same as the verb person therefore, if I am going to use the second person singular, the pronoun will be TI: TI sei lavato. Same for all the others: MI sono lavato, SI è lavato, CI siamo lavati, VI siete lavati, SI sono lavati.

For DIRECT and INDIRECT OBJECT pronoun, it is a bit more complex, but the practice will help you to learn. This kind of pronouns depend on the verb. If the verb is TRANSITIVE I have to use the direct object example: Ho comprato le mele e LE ho mangiate tutte. if the verb is INTRANSITIVE I need an indirect object pronoun. GLI ho detto la verità.

If you are struggling with that rule, and need more explanation, contact me! I will be pleased to help you to build up ways to use it through some tips.

This resource was uploaded by: Paola