Tutor HuntResources General Studies Resources

Useful Revision & Exam Tips

A few tips to help all students prepare for their exams

Date : 05/09/2022

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Uploaded by : Charlotte
Uploaded on : 05/09/2022
Subject : General Studies

Revision Tips!

Make a customised revision schedule. Go through the key topics and start with the topics you are least comfortable with work backwards towards the topics you are comfortable with.Organise and memorise your notes! Go through and make revision notes on key topics then make sure you have memorised them! Asking a family member to test you if that helps motivate you! and ensure Experiment with colour coding, notes on postcards, diagrams or whatever helps you learn your topic.Make sure you understand everything. If you come across something you do not understand, don t panic reach out to your tutor, teacher, friend or family member for help if needed!Practise past exam papers. This will be so useful, especially just before the exam as you will get to familiarise yourself with the type of questions you`ll be asked, apply the information you have already learnt while also learning additional content! Take regular short breaks. Studying for hours and hours will only make you tired and ruin your concentration, which may make you even more anxious. A break every 45 to 60 minutes is about right.Exam Tips!

Be prepared. Remember to take everything you need, including pencils, pens and a calculator. A bottle of water is also useful. If you don t know a question skip it and come back to it at the end! You might be surprised the difference stepping away from a difficult question can make! When you come back to it you will be seeing it for the second time and may see the answer from a new perspective! Take a few minutes to read the instructions and questions. Then you`ll know exactly what`s expected of you. Ask an exam supervisor if anything is unclear they`re there to help you.

This resource was uploaded by: Charlotte