Tutor HuntResources Piano Resources

Piano As An String+ Hummer Instrument

Playing Piano

Date : 07/06/2022

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Uploaded by : Natalya
Uploaded on : 07/06/2022
Subject : Piano

Piano is a common name for string instruments with hammer action. The ability to play it is a sign of good taste. The image of a diligent, talented musician of the century accompanies every pianist. It can be said that this is an instrument for the elite, although mastering the game on it is an integral part of any musical education. The piano can be classified as a stringed instrument, based on the fact that the sound comes from the vibration of the strings. But it can also be attributed to percussion instruments, because the sound appears due to the impact of hammers on the strings. The sound on the piano appears when a key is pressed. The piano keyboard layout consists of white and black keys alternating in a certain order. When a key is pressed, a certain note is played. The white keys are the first seven letters of the musical alphabet, the black keys represent sharps and flats.

This resource was uploaded by: Natalya