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Writing A Dissertation Worthy Of Publishing

How to write a top-notch dissertation worthy of publication

Date : 06/06/2022

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Uploaded by : Joss
Uploaded on : 06/06/2022
Subject : Psychology

From day one of your Undergraduate or Master`s degree you are probably already dreading the dissertation. It`s worth the most marks and highest percentage of your qualification.

Why is so much weight put on the dissertation module?
Simply put, as a psychologist you are a scientist. Even clinical psychologists who spend more time in clinical practice than in research are trained within a scientist-practitioner model and are required to undertake research projects.

That means that psychologists should be proficient in both research and applying this within their wider practice. Part of informed practice means being able to be critical of current literature, reflective and able to develop innovative projects that help drive the field of psychology forward.

The dissertation module in your degree is your time to shine. It`s your space to show off a whole range of important skills you`ve learnt across your degree(s) specific to the field of psychology, such as:

  1. Linking theory and research to real world applications
  2. Showing your ability to use quant/qual methodologies appropriately to investigate a topic
  3. Critically appraising research instead of taking everything you read at face value
  4. Developing your skills in analysis and interpretation of your results and making logical inferences from your findings that translate into meaningful knowledge or outcomes in the field of psychology.
And many more...
A good dissertation also has the potential to be published. If you`re looking to go higher into a Doctoral or PhD course then a publication is a really strong asset to have on your application.
Dissertation vs Essay WritingUnlike your other essays and assignments at University a Dissertation cannot be done the night before (or it shouldn`t if you`re wanting a good mark). It takes more thorough thought, research and planning, enabling you to develop skills in project management. In short a dissertation is a lot more effort compared to an essay.
Developing a Dissertation Worthy of PublishingWhen conducting research there are certain steps you should take in order to develop a successful, innovative and interesting piece of research. The following steps offer a guideline of how to write a Psychology Dissertation worthy of publishing:
  1. Choose a topic that interests you: You`re going to be writing 60+ pages on this topic and spending a hella lot of time drafting, editing and collecting data, so make sure it`s within an area you actually find interesting. I understand that sometimes University`s pick the topic for you but even then go and speak to your supervisor, find out about the area, tell them what interests you, ask them how their research shapes practice/theory/knowledge. Being curious is the first step to creating a project that will have depth to it and your drive and enthusiasm will be evident through your writing. Think about what is relevant to the public and readers at the moment? what do your readers need to know? where should research be focused?
  2. Create a practical hypothesis: In this situation, less is more. It is better to go in with one very specific and focused question to answer than to have three broad and inter-related questions. Your hypothesis will provide you with a direction and focus from which you can work out what background reading you need to do and what your literature review needs to focus on. Make sure it is a clear question or statement and clearly links to the methodology (quantitative/qualitative) that you will use. Any jargon you use needs to be explained so that there is no ambiguity or misinterpretations.
  3. Identify suitable methods to answer your research question/hypothesis: A research project is only as good as it`s methodology. So dedicate some time to really understanding the data you need to collect, how it will be analysed and how your interpretation of that analysis will enable you to answer the research question and/or hypothesis. This includes spending time identifying the key psychological theories and/or models that help explain our choice in methods and research question(s).
  4. Be Critical! One of the biggest skills you can learn is how to be a critical and reflective researcher. Instead of assuming every published article is `perfect` remove the rose-tinted glasses and read from a critical perspective. What gaps have been missed? what generalisations have been made? what can we really infer from their results? Was their sample representative? Showing your ability to think critically will score you the high marks and also present a more interesting paper for people to read.
  5. Be Consistent: It is so easy to go off on a tangent in your literature review and discussion. Keeping that `golden thread` running through from your intro to methods to results to discussion will mean that everything makes sense and reads like a well thought out story. Remember, consistency is key and makes it really easy for the readers to understand a) why this topic is important, b) why the methods were chosen, c) how you got your results and d) how these results link back to the literature and expand our knowledge/practice.
  6. Admit your limitations: No research is perfect. If you are doing a qualitative piece of work it is important to include a section on reflexology where you identify the limitations of your analysis based on your own biases and experiences. In both qualitative and quantitative work you will have strengths and limitations, your limitations can help identify what future research can do better as well as helping you identify the boundaries within your own interpretations.
  7. Have fun with it: Dissertations are also about being creative, giving things a go and finding your own flow. There will be days when work goes really well and days when you want to bury your head in the sand. Remember that at the end of the day you want to have fun learning new skills in research, so ask for support, make it social (e.g have study days with friends) and enjoy the creative process of making something innovative.
If you are looking for help with your dissertation I am only a message away! I hold two first class dissertations and two publications and am more than happy to help you craft your next top-notch dissertation project.
Good luck!

This resource was uploaded by: Joss