Tutor HuntResources Eleven Plus Resources

Verbal Reasoning And Vocabulary Tasks

11 plus verbal reasoning

Date : 19/10/2021

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Uploaded by : Zoe
Uploaded on : 19/10/2021
Subject : Eleven Plus

There are many styles of verbal reasoning tasks. They can be fun to do and in the process help children learn new vocabulary.

1) Complete each sentence with the correct homophone from the brackets.

a) Calves are ( dependent/dependant) on their mothers for the first five months of life.

b) Stephanie walked straight (passed/past) me without a flicker of recognition.

c) The (sauce/source) of the River Thames is in Gloucester.

d) The insects on which birds (prey/pray) are scarce in winter.

e) The adverse weather conditions are the (principal/principle) cause of the decline in the economy.

2)Write two letters on the dotty lines which complete the first word and start the second word






3) In each sentence below one word has been spelled incorrectly. Write the word correctly

a) Sophia could of been a black belt in karate but she decided to leave her club.

b) It is unpolite to interrupt others.

c) The King`s eldest daughter was the air to the throne.

d)The diamond ring costed a lot of money.

e)Last week I choice to play football rather than rugby.


1) a) dependent b)past c) source d) prey e) principle 2) ee gh er en ke

3)a) replace of with have b) replace unpolite with impolite c) replace air with heir d) replace costed with cost e) replace choice with chose

This resource was uploaded by: Zoe

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