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Why Confidence Is Your Best Vocal Asset

How to achieve YOUR Best Voice

Date : 10/11/2020

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Uploaded by : Stephanie
Uploaded on : 10/11/2020
Subject : Singing

Why Confidence Is Your Best Vocal Asset

"Be yourself everyone else is already taken." - Oscar Wilde

You don`t have to have a voice like Christina Aguilera to touch someone`s heart and blow them away. Everyone is unique, and has something, that no one else has, to bring to the table. I have watched the most vocally dexterous performance, and been impressed with the flawless agility, followed by a singer with the apparently not so `impressive` voice, who filled the phrases and notes with expression and empathy. And it was the latter that moved me to tears.

The technically brilliant singer had a great voice it was pleasing to the ear and I enjoyed listening to it. But I didn`t race to find her song on Spotify. I did with next singer. It was her voice that I wanted to hear again. The first singer, though unquestionably talented, sounded like a cardboard cut-out of Technique. Don`t get me wrong: technique is important. To know how to use your voice properly not only protects it, but enables you to get the best out of it. But technique isn`t the Thing. What the second singer had, with her less polished, quirky, occasionally faltering voice, was the ability to connect. I believed her when she sang. She had light and dark power yet fragility. It was like seeing someone try not to cry, rather than crying the latter has always touched me more.

"Insist on yourself never imitate." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

What the second singer had done was embrace the voice she had. She knew she didn`t have the immediately impressive range, elasticity and vocal belt of the first singer, but she knew her strengths and how to use them. She wasn`t trying to be someone else, and, as a result, she was refreshing, unique and stood out. I`m of course, not knocking people who have incredible, big and dexterous voices Christina Aguilera, Aretha Franklin and Whitney Houston don`t leave me cold. They blow me away when I listen to them because on top of their technically brilliant abilities, they truly know how to connect emotionally when they sing.

It is so important to never compare yourself to another person. That just wastes time and breeds insecurity. You have to work with the voice YOU have been given. Being true to it - finding, developing and making the most of your own strengths, as well as learning and honing a physical singing toolkit and to sing from the heart, will build true confidence. And when you sing with confidence, people will believe you. And that will move them. And `imperfections` may well be a part of it. It`s not how perfectly you sing it`s how you sing perfectly.

- Steph Grace

I would very much recommend the following link as inspiration on confidence and being yourself when singing. there are some great insights into how to start on the journey:

This resource was uploaded by: Stephanie