Tutor HuntResources Health and Safety Resources

Key Steps To Risk Assessment

Health and Safety (COVID 19)

Date : 14/09/2020

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Uploaded by : Jeremy
Uploaded on : 14/09/2020
Subject : Health and Safety

5 Steps of Risk Assessment.

1)Identify the Hazard.

What has the potential to cause harm?

2) Assess the Risk?

What is the likelihood of harm occurring and what extent could that harm be?

3)Develop methods of Control.

What can be done to reduce the above risk?

So, wearing a seatbelt in a car, has no bearing on whether an accident happens or not, but hopefully reduces the harm that occurs. Whereas using the correct procedure at a pelican crossing, reduces the likelihood of an accident occurring, but if one does take place it has no effect on reducing the harm that takes place.

4)Implement what you have developed in part 3.

Then conduct the Risk Assessment again: Likelihood and Potential Harm.

5) Monitor and Review.

Is what we hoped would take place, taking place. Have we created another problem: So, ear defenders mean the potential for hearing loss is reduced, but can the person hear a machine or fire alarm?


If you review and nothing needs changing, still record that you have reviewed.

This resource was uploaded by: Jeremy