Tutor HuntResources Spanish Resources

To Be Or Not To Be? Ser O Estar?

How do you know when to which verb to say `To be` in Spanish? Follow this guide!

Date : 27/08/2020

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Uploaded by : Rosie
Uploaded on : 27/08/2020
Subject : Spanish

If you ask Spanish students what their least favourite grammar point is, it`s very likely they will say Ser o Estar. It remains a timeless internal conflict that some university students still struggle with sometimes because it`s one of those grammar moments that just doesn`t make sense, until it does. Until your friend asks you why you used `estar` and you say `it just feels right`. Once you`ve mastered this key grammar point, the world of Spanish is your oyster. But first, here`s a crash course on generally when to use these pesky verbs. There are exceptions to these rules however if you start off with these you`re on the road to being an expert in no time!

Ser is essentially the more permanent version of `to be`. It is used for things that don`t change, have been the same for a long period of time, or were in process when something else interrupted. For example: personality traits, physical attributes, things that you `used to` do or something you `were doing` before something else. On the other hand, estar is the temporary one that interrupts Ser. Locations, states, moods etc.

CAUTION: There are exceptions to this rule that will catch you out! For example, Ser is used for time and date even though it changes.

Here`s an easy mnemonic trick to remember!



Traits: e.g Ella es hermosa y graciosa.

Occupation: Mi madre es profesora.

Date and time: Son las diez y cuatro.

Origin: Soy de Francia.

LOcation: Estoy en mi casa.

COndition: Mi padre est bien.

With this guide you`ll be an expert in no time.

This resource was uploaded by: Rosie