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Efl Learning, Feed Your Natural Curiosity

EFL Language Learning

Date : 27/07/2020

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Uploaded by : Adam
Uploaded on : 27/07/2020
Subject : EFL

Through working with students learning English as a second language since 2015, the most common concern they have had is boosting their vocabulary. They`d often expect there to be a magic list of words they could study to pass their exams with flying colours.

There are of course a number of such academic lists to study& the pioneering 1953 General Service List (GSL) by Michael West or the more recent Academic Word List (AWL) by Averil Coxhead. Such lists are vital in helping you with your academic reading and understanding, however your second language is never just going to be about textbooks and exams.

I`ve always viewed a second language as a second life, a new world for you to live and thrive in. To survive in this world, you need to develop your natural curiosity for new words that apply to you. During my high school years learning French, I was also curious at learning the names of my favourite movies in French. At the time I was an avid reader of the Harry Potter series and following a holiday to France, I picked up a local copy and was amazed to find Harry does not go to Hogwarts, he goes to Poudlard. Snape does not exist, for he is called Rogue, and Harry wield a `baguette` to fight of Voldemort.

My main point here is the vitalness of translating what you love in your own native language and taking it over into your second. With my older students, I would have list of the most recent film titles in English and Chinese. In most cases, the films names have entirely different meanings which is a small reflection on cultural differences.

Students who loved basketball were encouraged to expand their sports jargon and, hopefully, enjoy the new words they use daily in their free time.

When it comes to exam time, your examiner is going to be much more impressed with you when you can confident share key terms related to your passions. In short, in addition to mastering your grammar skills, boost your natural curiosity by translating what you love!

This resource was uploaded by: Adam

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