Tutor HuntResources French Resources

Common French Mistakes


Date : 08/06/2020

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Uploaded by : Lara
Uploaded on : 08/06/2020
Subject : French

COMMON MISTAKES: EXPLANATIONBeaucoup (no matter what is after, whether it s feminine, masculine, or plura

Le week-endQuest-ce que tu aimes faire le week-endJaime aller au cin ma (do not say j aime &faire &aller au cin ma . &Only use faire for activities that need that verb, such as faire du sport ). + le = au & aller au restaurantBUT aller la biblioth queUse du (m.) or de la (f.) for mass nouns (i.e., things that cannot be counted such as liquid). Example: Je prends de la bi re/du vin.

Adverbs (e.g., toujours , souvent , etc.) go after the (first) verb. With negation, adverbs go after pas. Je vais souventau restaurant.> &Je prfre ltoujour &voir des films au cinma.Je ne vais pas lsouvent &au restaurant.When 2 verbs follow one another, the second one stays in the infinitive (i.e., is not conjugated). But if there are several unrelated verbs, then you need to conjugate all of them.Jaime dormir le dimanche.Le dimanche, je dors, je lis, jtudie. Don't forget to conjugate verbs in general je dors (NOT dormir)When answering a question, dont forget to change the verb ending to fit the pronoun you are using, Quest-ce que tu faire le week-end?

This resource was uploaded by: Lara

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