Tutor HuntResources French Resources

Learning A Foreign Language

Be apt and concise in language learning

Date : 24/05/2020

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Uploaded by : Emmanuella
Uploaded on : 24/05/2020
Subject : French

How can one learn a new language quickly, easily, effectively?( Big Question).

-Find where it`s already happening and identify the principles that work! ( modelling)

ANYONE can learn a second language in 6months ( crazy?)

Heavy stuff flies , when you reorganize the material used in building it.

2 things that doesn`t matter ( talent immersion per se) A drowning man can`t learn to swim.

You NEED = Attention, Meaning, Relevance and Memory .

Principle#1: focus on language content relevant to you . ( we learn tools fastest when they are relevant to us)

Principle#2: use your new language as a tool to communicate from day1

Principle#3: When you First understand the message , you unconsciously Acquire the Language !!

Principle# 4: Language Learning is not about accumulating Lots of knowledge . It`s about physiological training .

Principle# 5: Psycho-physiological State matters! If you Always staying Angry, while learning , you are not going to Learn. If you are Happy, relaxed and Curious you gonna learn Quickly . You must learn to Tolerate ambiguity .

Rapid Actions to take

* listen a lot

*focus on getting the meaning of words (Using body Language Most times )

* start mixing ( verbs, nouns, adjectives = 1000 possible Phrases ) that`s what babies do.

* use the tool box ( what is this how do you Say ..., I don`t understand ..) all in the target language

*Get a language parent that can Communicate with you As your equal, pays attention

* copy the face when the language person speaks ( hear how it feels, feels how it sounds)

* direct connect

You gonna be Fine in few months.

Merci beaucoup! Ensemble, on parle le francais .

This resource was uploaded by: Emmanuella