Tutor HuntResources Norwegian Resources

The Benefits Of Learning A New Language

Describes various applications of learning a new language

Date : 07/01/2020

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Uploaded by : A.elisabeth
Uploaded on : 07/01/2020
Subject : Norwegian

There are many benefits to learning a new language beyond impressing your teachers, colleagues, family or friends. It s also a great feeling to be able to converse with the locals when you re on holiday and most people can learn a list of basic phrases just from a simple internet search. But if you are moving to a new country to study or work, learning the native language can both be useful and necessary.

Whereas English is the lingua franca in many companies now, a multitude of cultural codes and conversational subtleties can only be understood in the original language. Culture and language are closely intertwined, and meanings can be lost if you have to translate emails and memos every time. Then it is better to get a firm understanding of the language and practice speaking on a weekly basis.

If you re planning an exchange abroad, a lot of university courses are now taught in English, but being able to participate in student activities and connect with students and teachers in their mother tongue will elevate your experience. It will develop your self-confidence and enrich your university years. Furthermore it prepares you for adult and work life since employees who speak more than one language are considered an asset to most companies.

But beyond that being bilingual can also slow down the aging of your brain and improve cognitive abilities even in later years and has in fact shown strong effects on general intelligence and reading in older people (Centre for Cognitive Aging and Cognitive Epidemiology at the University of Edinburgh).

Thus, learning a language is useful not only in your formative years and early stages of adulthood, but also for older people looking to keep the brain in top shape. So what are you waiting for? Try a new language today!

This resource was uploaded by: A.elisabeth