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Natural Ways To Increase Testosterone Levels

Managing low testosterone levels

Date : 30/03/2017

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Uploaded by : Spiros
Uploaded on : 30/03/2017
Subject : Medicine

As men get older their testosterone (T) level drop slightly every year from middle adulthood and continues through to old age. This can cause issues such as low libido and sexual dysfunction, weight gain (especially around the abdomen and buttocks), fatigue, poor memory and concentration and mood related changes such as depression. Testosterone is also important in maintaining normal bone density and levels of red blood cells too. This can be a very challenging situation but there are some lifestyle changes that can be incorporated to improve the situation.

Natural ways to try and increase your T-levels are as follow:

Try and get an adequate amount of sleep every night, between 7-9 hours is preferable. Lack of sleep can reduce testosterone levels to a great degree. Research has shown that at the hours of 2-10pm, testosterone levels were noted to be quite low on sleep restricted days. Reducing stress helps to reduce the production of the hormone cortisol which blocks the effect of testosterone. Learning relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing exercises and positive visualization, can help alleviate anxious thoughts and emotions and will result in a more stress-free existence. Other techniques that can be incorporated include prayer, meditation and yoga. Start increasing your physical activity through exercise. It doesn`t have to be hours in the gym, instead a brisk 30 minute walk 3 times a week and then gradually increase to 45 minutes fast walks 5 times a week. This will help stimulate muscle contraction and metabolism which will help increase T levels and help lose some weight. Elemental zinc supplementation will also help boost your T levels with a marked improvement noticed within as little as 6 weeks. You can speak to your doctor or pharmacist for a reputable brand and as close to 11mg a day as possible but not more than 40mg per day over the long term. Your best source of zinc will come from your diet, though, and will include foods such as raw milk and raw cheese, yogurt and beans. Vitamin D deficiency can also lead to lowered T-levels. The best way to improve vitamin D levels is through exposure to sunlight. This can be done by going outdoors and exposing a large area of the skin to the sun for around 10-15 minutes a day, making sure you use SPF 50+ sunscreen though. You can also use tanning beds with electronic ballasts if sun exposure is an issue. If these options don t work, then vitamin D3 supplementation of 8000IU per day would be recommended and you could speak to your doctor about this. Cut out sugars, sugary drinks and refined food as much as possible. Even if you`re not diabetic, cutting down on sugars will help in reducing your insulin levels and should help you lose some weight and increase your T-levels. Eating healthy fats such as mono- and polyunsaturated fats but also saturated fats (within limits) are necessary for building testosterone. The ideal diet should contain between 50-70% fat. Examples of healthy fats include olives and olive oil, avocados, raw nuts such as pecan nuts and almonds, grass-fed animal meats and butter from raw, grass-fed organic milk. Lifestyle changes may be all that s needed to help elevate your testosterone levels, but if all these suggestions have failed and you`re still having issues with your testosterone then intramuscular administration with a long term testosterone supplement could be beneficial. This long term alternative is mentioned as it has the best effect on the body and has the least side effects of all the formulations. You can speak to your primary care physician or urologist about this medication.

This resource was uploaded by: Spiros