Tutor HuntResources Life Coaching Resources

How To Learn Effectively - List Of Tips

Hints ant tips on helping you to advance

Date : 06/02/2016

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Uploaded by : Robert
Uploaded on : 06/02/2016
Subject : Life Coaching

People often say to me they wish they could progress faster, whilst this may often be a case of trying to run before you can walk, there are things you can do, I post these in order to help students to decide why they REALLY want to advance, and some tips to help them do so.

#1: Ask yourself WHY you want to learn faster: Many people tend to say that they want to learn faster, however in their haste people often don`t really internalise this, for example people often say ``oh someday i`d like to learn Spanish`` ``someday i`d like to learn piano`` however these tend to be very transient goals, they like the image of succeeding in these areas, meaning the result, but they don`t envision the process of learning and what it means for them.

So what you can do is take a good hard look at what learning something does mean for you, do you have an image of yourself in the future using this new skill? Is it for your career or is it extracurricular? Have an image for where you want to be, and decide the steps to get there. A good way of doing this is to work BACKWARDS, i,e, if you want to speak french, first decide what you need to use french for, would you want to be able to speak it fluently? If so why? Then set out how you would go from advanced to fluent, then from beginner to advanced and see what the steps are.

#2: Get a coach! You would be amazed at the amount of people who decide to learn something by trying a load of new things without any guidance, whatever you want to learn, chances are somebody has done it before, so have a look around and ask people. All too often people wonder why they don`t have a trainer, and yet they haven`t asked them, it has been shown time and time again that the fastest way to learn is to model those who are more skilled in that area than you are.

#3: (and this is so obvious its almost funny!) YOU NEED TO MAKE A CONSISTENT EFFORT, so often people try to learn new habits and quickly veer off and find yourself delaying, You need to make at least a small step forwards EVERY DAY, it doesn`t have to be a huge step, but schedule your time for learning in advance to learn something new every single day. The worst thing you can do with learning is to lose momentum, the more often you learn new things and rehearse, the faster and easier learning becomes, think of it as essentially a snowball effect.

To sum up, three things you can do to learn faster are : Ask yourself why - have a vision for the outcome, but do not disregard what it will take to get there. Get a coach - don`t try to rediscover fire, follow someone who has done it before and can springboard you towards your goals that much faster. And make progress every day consistently, it doesn`t need to be a big step, just enough to keep pushing the meter up.

This resource was uploaded by: Robert