Tutor HuntResources Accounting Resources

Five Top Tips –for Successful Revision!

Date : 20/01/2016

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Uploaded by : Sarah
Uploaded on : 20/01/2016
Subject : Accounting

Five Top Tips for successful revision!

As it is coming closer and closer to your exam date, it is only natural that panic mode kicks in and sooner or later and you begin to have major anxiety.

The key to managing all of this really is effective preparation from the on-set. Knowing on the day that you have done everything you could of possibly have done is in a way its own comfort.

I have included my five top tips for effective revision which I have came to realised over years of exams and I really hope that it helps someone out there.

1) Breaks

This is probably an obvious tip but breaks are essential. It will help you have a chance to unwind and relax your mind so that when you do go back to work your mind will be focused.

2) Do something fun

Do something fun once in a while to keep your spirits up and to help you power on!

3) Find a buddy

Find someone who you can provide encouragement when you are finding it tough. This can be a two-way process as well.

4) Eat healthy, be healthy

As tempting as it is to eat sugar and overdose on coffee, they are not always the best things for you. Ever heard of the phrase what goes up, must come down? One minute you will have all the energy in the world and the next you will be tired and in a slump. Instead you should try to eat healthy and partake in some exercise. This will make you feel good on the inside and out.

5) Remember its only temporary

Remind yourself that all the sacrifice and hard work you are putting in now is only temporary and its not forever. You have so much more to gain in the future by working that little bit harder now.

Good luck to everyone and keep on pushing through!

This resource was uploaded by: Sarah