Tutor HuntResources Sociology Resources

Why Should I Do Sociology? Whats The Point?

A Level Sociology - Whats and Why?

Date : 08/04/2012

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Uploaded by : Chris
Uploaded on : 08/04/2012
Subject : Sociology

Sociology - the Science of Society - is about looking at various social issues from pre conceived perspectives. Well, it is in a sense as this is what the A (Advanced) Level Specification says you need to know to pass the exam.

Whilst this is true, the secret to understanding Sociology and other Social Sciences is being able to apply these theories to everyday situations and evaluate the outcome.

Take the Media for example. What is its purpose? Is it a good or bad thing? How has it changed since WW2? there are at least 6 key persectives that you can apply here but first hat is your opinion? Why is this? Our own experience informs our basis of new knowledge so you can not hope to understand Sociology or other Social Sciences unless you can explain your own feelings about a subject.

The challenge is that this opinion is not tested in the exam as it is seen as less important than the ability to transpose academic ideas to specific debates. Sometimes, bright students believe they have done very well when they leave the exam because they wrote a lot and understood the questions.

It is when the `nuts and bolts` of the answer - which can be universally applied across the different subjects - are consistently applied that grades go up.

Sociology properly understood gives you an inquisitive mind and way of seeing the world in a new way. It is this that makes it worthwhile - for both employers but more importantly YOU.

Once you know the basics, you can build answers in the exam. Never again will you have a question you can not at least attempt!

This resource was uploaded by: Chris