Tutor HuntResources Singing Resources

Expressing Yourself Through Singing

Date : 11/06/2014

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Uploaded by : Ines
Uploaded on : 11/06/2014
Subject : Singing

There is a quote I love that says, "Everybody that talks can sing, and everybody that walks can dance". For me this quote shows the absolute potential in all of us. I am sure we need some help to develop the skills with which we are already born already.

I have been studying classical singing for many years but it was in jazz that I found freedom as an artist. Through Jazz I can express myself entirely. And I believe that music exists for that purpose. So we can express ourselves in a way that only we can. That`s why each of us has such individuality in our music. I believe a teacher should always try to adapt the teaching to each of their students, and the matters of studying are so different to each one of them because they are so different from each other. Each one of us have our own personality and that is what makes us unique. I believe music heals. I believe music helps us through whatever we experience in life.

I also think that children are the most wonderful beings on earth because they arrive here raw, waiting to absorb everything they can and that is why I adore teaching them. They have no preconceived ideas about whatsoever, they are open, hopeful, and joyful and they give me space to be me. No masks, no tricks, just me and them being ourselves and trying to teach each other how to live a better life. Music helps. Everything.

This resource was uploaded by: Ines