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How do you think is the best way to plan, write and structure an A-Level Economics 25 mark essay?
7 years ago

Economics Question asked by Tobi

with economics essays, you need to understand the question and do a spider diagram showing you the various links that come to mind. then write an introduction to show how you intend to evaluate and which theories or main points you are going to include. then as you write each paragraph to analyse each point, keep evaluating and linking it all to the question.
09/04/2017 17:09:33 | comment by [Deleted Member]
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When answering an A level 25 mark question it is best to approach it in a methodical way.
It is an old adage but this does not make it any less true, a 3 tier structure, an introduction (say what you are going to say briefly), say it (explain in detail the points you want to make), and finally make a conclusion (briefly say what you have said and show its relevance to the question asked).

Firstly the introduction, plan your answer, make sure your are answering the question and highlight the points you want to make and the direction of the argument you want to focus on. Show how your points answer the question given, hint at any alternative points of view and why you think these points are not as important or relevant to your arguments.
Secondly, the bulk of the essay. On the basis of the direction of the points made in the introduction you need to gather research for each of the points made. This is where you use the research gathered to discuss your points, make the point, support the point with your research and evidence and then explain and prove why it is relevant to the essay question.It is important that at this stage you evaluate the relevance of the points you are making to the requirements of the question
in the conclusion you must justify your arguments
Answered by [Deleted Member]
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