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Tutor Hunt Questions

I deigned my radial inflow turbine using my own in-house code. In order to check the validity of code, I need to simulate the turbine using Ansys CFX as follows:

1. Meshing of volute, stator and rotor
2. steady state simulation
3. unsteady state simulation
4. structure analysis

Does any have experience on that?
7 years ago

Engineering Question asked by Anas

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3 Answers

Sorry I have not performaed such kind of simulation but based on the question asked I would start with Steady state Simulation to check the code works.
Answered by Abishek | 7 years ago
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Hi there,

I have experience of performing fsi simulation using ansys fluent with ansys mechanical as well as fsi using cfx.
I also know the meshing structured and unstructured using icem.

Feel free to message me.

If you still need help.

Best Regards
Answered by [Deleted Member]
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Yes that`s true! in order to get as accurate answers as you can you need to make the mesh size as small as you can however make sure it is covering all the components as sometimes it just unselects some due to the small number considered. I`ve been doing work on ansys and ansys workbench work better, that`s where I`ve been simulating my final year project
Answered by [Deleted Member]
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